Sunday 19 April 2009

Southampton - City of the Damned

My good god, spent a night out with the troops in Southampton this weekend, what a dive, I did not think it possible to have a town with so many retards, misfits and weirdos in one place, fucking hatstand the lot of them, crap town - crap beer.

We eneded up in a club called "Flares" it was full of fucking freaky 50 something women thinking they had been transported back in time to when they were young.

Heres a quote from a local: "It isn't easy being from Southampton. The women are frigid, the nightlife is awful and those cunts from Portsmouth are just down the road"

I agree!

Dont have nightmares!

P.S Jackie Smith is a cunt

Thursday 29 January 2009

Jay Walking UK

On the estate where I live a strange phenomenon has started, instead of using the footpath people have started walking in the road, why I just don't know, thay stroll along, footloose and fancy free and if I dare drive past them they glare at me as though I had just done doughnut turns all over their front garden, the other idiotic thing people have started doing is ignoring the cycle path, the local council must of spent god knows how many thousand widdening the existing footpath for cyclists, yet not content with a purpose built route, they prefer to cycle on the road, wobbling along on the uneven road surface, when there is a perfectly level piece of tarmac next to them. Thinking about it there are numerous oddballs on my estate (A very small one in a village) I shall start listing all their weird and wonderful behavior, burning of cable and wire, making a weekly rubbish mountain outside my house, the list goes on, maybe its me? No it can't be I'm too considerate!

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Credit crunch bites as Ebay goes bad

Well its traditionally that time of year when i offload all my old shit and junk onto ebay which used to be like a giant online carboot sale. In years past you could sell anything for cash on there, but now it seems to have been overun by traders. I am listing 28 different items on there, I bet a lot won't sell, I might have to do a "Old stylee" car boot sale, I have a varied array of goods, everything from a Haynes Manual for a ford escort 1990 - 2000 to a side drum with drumsticks. Where did i get all this carap I hear you ask, well ebay of course, its a vicious
circle this wheeler dealer lark!

Monday 26 January 2009

Mission Control ..... its boring

Well here I am back on Night shift, god its so tedious, It's a Railway Control office, nothing happens for hours on end, then all of a sudden something will kick off (usually just when your about to go home) then its just manic.

Despite popular rumour among UK Pop, we do our best to run to the timetable but outside factors often saboutage our efforts, in the ten years I have been on the job, here are some of the things I have dealt with:

A Helicopter on the line.
Cows on the line.
A rubbish truck crashing on a overbridge dumping its entire load over the tracks below.
A Naked woman running around the tracks.
Various dogs, foxs deers on the line.
Suicides glore.

I often think, would I rather be stuck on a train or stuck in a traffic jam on the motorway?
I would have to go for the train as it has a toilet on it and a bar.
Well one more night shift to go then a couple of days freedom!

Sunday 25 January 2009

A brave new world...........

Last sunday (18th January) I took up the journey into a brave new world of winemaking, the first batch of 4.5 litres is nearly ready after its week long ferment, I have cheated a bit, well quite a lot actually, I am using fruit juice! watch this space to see how my alcoholic experiment goes, the first batch is Raspberry, apple and grape................

Here we go

Yours truely woke at approx 1130am with a mild hangover having been out the previous night celebrating lady wifes birthday, fine ale was consumed and the soaked up by a rather superb meal in "The Standard" Nepalese restaurant.

I took this opportunity to practice my nepalese I had been learning from our resident Johnny Ghurka security guard in the ivory tower of employment. So throwing about a few "Ram Ram Hajurs" and "Namaste's" one of the waiters replied in near perfect cockney "Cor, check you out!"

The night finished with a few more beers back at home along with some darts and a bit of "Rock Band" on the wii. All good stuff.